Check App State - Activity takes ages on excel pivot filter



I am currently automating a process where I need to filter a pivot table in excel.

I need to click on the filter buttom on the picutre. It can have 2 different states. I need to check them and I do it with the “Check App State” Activity.
I check if one of this buttom exists or not

It works fine so far - I set the timeout at 1 sec.
The problem is, that for some reason it needs a lot more time then my 1 sec timeout to check if the buttom exists or not. Sometimes the Activity needs up to 35-40 seconds or more - I dont get the reason yet.

I already tried different things in the properties, like Wait for page load or Element visibility. See the proberties on the picture

It makes my whole process pretty slow while I need to set this filter a couple of times each process.


Can you set your targeting method as just strict selector and try?

why are you clicking on filter options and choosing cant you use filter pivot table activity that we have in modern design experience and directly filter out the values that you needed

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This seems more efficient, you could also try this.

Yep worked - I am down now at 5-8 sec. Still too long but better then 30 sec…

I will try @Gayathri_Mk ´s attempt next - keep you updated

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