"Check" activity showing error

Webpage has multiple checkboxes, we would like to check or uncheck it based on their current status (if checked or not). we have tried following scenarios but nothing work

  1. First we try to use “Check” activity, that is more suitable as per requirement. But while we try to run worfkflow we are gettting below error
    “Attribute not supported by current UINode”
  2. We tried to use “Get Attribute” activity, But it’s not showing “checked” property in property pane of UiExplore, so we are not able to use this.
  3. Last option we tried with the combination of “Image Exist” and “Click Activity”. In Image activity we capture image with checked +relative text. But it’s returning “True” in both the case if we check or uncheck that option.

Please suggest.

If the activity error is saying “…not supported” it means that its not implemented for that type of web element and you will need to find a workaround.
Can you share the html with us?

I’m having the same issue. I updated to the 2018.3 version and it was working then it just started crashing and showing the same message. any help?