Change value of existing row and column in datatable

I want to change the value of each row in column “URL” but I got this error. The message box before the error node worked fine as expected. What is this error? How can I fix it?

Hi @Aarron

Welcome to forum

Try this



Nived N :robot:

Happy Automation :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

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Thank you but I tried that too. Same error.

Hi @Aarron

Can u show the Assign activitiy full

Like value part too


give a try with toString like below,

keep updated us


I found the error. Apparently, the assign activity was row.Item(“URL”) = “url” + row.Item("URL).ToString
I removed + row.Item(“URL”).ToString and the error was gone.
So I assign a string str = “url” + row.Item(“URL”).ToString then assign row.Item(“URL”) = str
I still don’t know why the error happened in the first place.