Challenges during Drag and Drop of activities in the UiPath tool

I Am trying to capture the activities to create a workflow using existing canvas in my application. UiPath is unable to record my activities and replay the back.
Am Trying to drag and drop the activities from my application, this is not getting captured in the UiPath.

you need to use set the CLICK TYPE property to Click DOWN and after that to Click UP to replicate the drag and drop actions.Attaching a sample flow to drag a file from desktop to a folder on desktop.

Thank u for providing the solution, but this one is not working. Please refer the screen shot for the actual problem.


As per the image am trying to drag and drop the activities, and also from the existing activity trying to add a new shape.

There is an option to offset the cursor position – Offset Y and Offset X. You can try using that…keeping some fixed image as an anchor.

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