Certification Exam - Zip Folder Uploaded

Hi All,

I attempted Practicals & uploaded the zipped file too. I received a pop-up called ‘Your file was uploaded’.

Can the session be logged out now? I neither see any user-friendly pop indicating that exam is over nor the timer hasn’t stopped even after workflow upload.

Can anyone who has attempted the practicals suggest on this?

Hi Buddy @ReshmaBhaskar,

Better don’t log off just close the browser, anyhow you will be getting mail once it got evaluated


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Yes you can logout now. It will take some time to evaluate our code and please check after sometime.

All the best😃

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Hi @ReshmaBhaskar

You can log out without any problem. While I was doing the exam, while developing the solution, the site actually got automatically logged out due to idle status for some time. But when I logged in again (within the time limit), the countdown was still going and I was able to submit without a problem too. So it is safe to logout and close the browser. But just hang on for couple of minutes because to get the certification result, it won’t take that long.

Good luck!! :slight_smile:


Hi @Lahiru.Fernando

I did get the results. What is the passing Score?

Do you have any feedback for the below? And also share your certification .xaml for reference, it will be very helpful.


HI @ReshmaBhaskar

You have got really close. The pass mark is 70%.

Regarding the comments, you have to consider these when you try next time.

Looks like you have not configured the CloseAllApplications.xaml file properly. In this workflow, you have to have the sequence to log out of the ACME site and to close the browser. Additionally, you should configure the KillAppProcesses.xaml file to have a Kill Process activity to kill all processes in case of an error

Make sure your config file has all the required configurations. For the ACME_URL and ACME_Credential, you have to use the same name as they have mentioned in the case study under Settings sheet. Also make sure not to use any additional assets unless specified in your case which is presented to you.

All the activities that you add to your workflow should be renamed to a meaningful name. Additionally, you should also have comments/ annotations in every workflow with pre-condition and post-condition. For complex scenarios, make sure the activities also have some comments in it…

It looks like you have used some hard coded values for variables or arguments. it is not allowed to use hard coded values within the solution. So make sure all the values are taken from variables or any other external sources like orchestrator assets & config file directly without hard coding.

Make sure you use the optimal ways to upload data to the queue using Add Queue Item activity and also make sure you get the queue items to process in appropriate location in the REFramework using Get Transaction Item activity.

Were you asked to validate for correct values or something in the exam? This should be regarding that.

So small things actually cause to lose marks… So you have to be careful next time. Also make sure that these things are addressed when you try again…

This is a good opportunity to review your solution again, and to see what you missed based on these comments and understand how those should be corrected before you try the next attempt …


Hi @Lahiru.Fernando

Thanks for your valuable feedback!

  1. Close ACME - I had logged out of application but didn’t use the activity ‘CloseAllApplication’

  1. config File had just one more extra variable. I thought it might not matter

  2. Renaming Activities -
    I had renamed them here & there. So that might be an issue.

  3. Hard coding in Dispatcher/ Optimal usage of Queue Item -
    I haven’t hard coded anything. I have either fetched from config file or orchestrator Asset.

For queue Item, I have used Add Queue Activity/ Get Transaction Item Activity & also In_TransactionItem() to access them back.

  1. Validation Of correct Items.

Actually the question itself was slightly confusing. Question was to Add ‘Invoice Number’, ‘total’ & ‘Date’ to queue and then validate ‘Invoice Item’ & ‘Total’.
Since ‘Invoice Item’ was not asked to add to the queue, I validated ‘Total’ & ‘Date’ values.

Can this be raised as ticket to support team?

Thanks for your time again! Appreciate!


Glad that you have identified the places that you went wrong :slight_smile:

Yes… I guess there is some mistake here in the question. But however, They are referring to the Invoice Number by “Invoice Item”. So basically you need to compare the data of Invoice Number & Total. I know… it is confusing when there is a different one… We can raise this as a ticket for the support team to get it fixed…

@loginerror, bro, I guess this issue in this question needs to be corrected so that people who sit for the exam do not get confused :slight_smile:

So, i guess its all good… So do some more practicing, and prepare for the text tern of your certification exam…

Good Luck!!! :slight_smile:


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