Catch Block not catching exception in project

I am trying to catch exception but it’s not working. I did close the application as soon as it starts loading so that it can create exception but the project automatically stops after some time and did not catch exception. Please help me with this.

Is there any specific reason you’re using SelectorNotFoundException? If not, can you try with just regular Exception?

If your closing down ur browser completely i think ur getting: NodeNotFoundException

I would just use a system.exception or test it some other way.

Try to put this in ur watch window:

I have tried to incorporate other exceptions too with multiple catch statements but the problem remain still.

I used System.exception too but the problem is not resolved I don’t understand why it is not catching exception.

Hello @Priyanka_Jharia ,

Can you please make sure you have not checked continue on error property ? Also, give some log messages before and after extract datatable to understand if it’s somehow performing that.



Is it resolved? If not, share your workflow so I can look into it.

yes it is resolved

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