good morning

I am trying to reproduce with a bot a test process on a web page: This is what I have done so far

Open the website
Login with username and password
Up to here the process is fast, but the problem is when I start to search and click on the different buttons and menus on the pages, it takes 4 to 5 minutes to open the different buttons and menus.
I have tried different activities, anchor base, click test, click image … but it still takes me a long time from when the window appears until I click it …

When you enter the application and log in, you do it very quickly, but then it takes a long time in the rest of the activities, what could this be due to?

thanks and greetings to everyone

Hi @RPA_Trgasa,
It all depends of the webpage and if the selectors for buttons were built the right way. If you could give me example of selector you have and part of the process where you need to use it I think I could help you.