Can't use the type into activity in excel popup


im trying to type into a popup in excel but cant seem to use the type into activity or click activity, studio just freezes for 1 minute and no error message in studio but in the excel file.

the steps im trying to do is:

  1. open excel file
  2. go to data > and get from web (this can be done through the send hotkey activity ALT → A → F → W
  3. now a popup appears and i want to input the url and click OK, but for some reason that i do not understand yet, i cant use the type into activity or the click activity

Thank you in advance.


Welcome to the community

One thing you can do is …use a record macro and perfomr the steps manually…it would give to macro on how to add…you can use that macro anduse invoke macro activity instead of using ui on excel…and in invoke macro you can pass the url dynamically as input


Hello @Anil_G

how to setup the macro?, is it a part of UiPath studio?, and how to use the invoke macro activity?, and since i want to assign the url to a variable which then be inserted to the text box, is it possible to use macro?

Thank you.


Macro is part of excel itself…you can start that code from UiPath using invoke macro

And instead of input box you can use uipathvariable or can use UiPath input dialog to get the value

If you dont see developer tab in excel then go to more options → from ther in ribbons enable developer…you would see macros record there
