Can't start a job from Orchestrator Community Edition

Hi, so I’m trying to start a job from the Orchestrator Community Edition, but after I pick the process name and select the Execute target window, no available robot is shown, even though I have one. My question is if Orchestrator CE doesn’t allow to start jobs o if this is a bug or I have done something wrong upon connecting the robot and orchestrator.

This is what I’m shown when creating/starting a job

No hay datos para mostrar means ‘no data to show’.

And as I said I have created the robot before and assigned to the very same environment ‘companiadeempaques’

But if I start the job from the UiPath Robot, it runs as it should.

I don’t understand : ( .


Hi @franrua02

This article might be helpful to you .Is shows also how to manage the job.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


Hi @franrua02 - This is because of wrong steps while creating the bot, machine, connected the bot with orchestrator and environment.

Try to delete the already existing bot and create the new one.


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Welcome to uipath community
Kindly change this ROBOT type to UNATTENDED in the Robot tab

We can change that with edit option in the Robot tab for that Robot And try once
Cheers @franrua02

Thank you. It worked! Why is that? Don’t understand.

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