Cant read double line column header

I have an excel table with double line column headers e.g

I tried reading them with row(“Materialnr./narticle no.”) and also row(“Materialnr.” +/n+ “article no.”), but it’s not working. Any ideas ? Renaming the columns is not an option. Thanks in advance.

maybe you can work with column index instead

other options are:

  • rename Column - dtVar.Columns(ColNameOrIndex).Columnname = NewName
  • give a try on row(“Materialnr.” +CodeSeeSreenshot below+ “article no.”)


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How about “row(9)” for column “J” ?

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Hi @RoboBob,

I think the column in excel has wrap text property enabled.
Can you un select the property and then try reading the data to a datatable.


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