Can't login to Orchestrator on premise after installed first time

Hi i have the issued after installed Orchestrator on Server and try to login first time i type account is admin and password is admin123 the same when config the install . But it had error like in picture


Can you please check the event viewer logs on the orchestrator machine…that would provide more info about the exact error occured


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is this one or any detail i can provide ,tks


try this make it disappear

also do you see any error? and in the info log related to sql does it show connected?


sorry i don’t understand this one, can you explain to me in detail , tks <3


check these info logs pertaining to connection between orchetsrator and sql…generally this issue occurs there


and are there no error logs at all? ideally you should be having one if auth fails


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here is the lastest when i try use acc : admin and pass: admin123 as the same when config the install

as i understand the first time login after installed the orchestrator you type admin and pass is the one i choose when config the installation right. With this error i check the db in sql server and query the db.userlogin it empty like img below


did you set password here


yes, i can sure that this one is correct .


Did you set same password for all?

Ideally you should use tenant password incase you are trying orchestrator…if you are trying management/admin url then the admin password

Please check this and use correct url


yes i set same pass for all , now i try to login first time and type admin and same pass but it returned error like i mention in topic . I try to reinstall but it still had that error, i’m not working with sql much so, i’m stuck what step i’m wrong .

Hello @B_o_D

Perhaps clearing browser cache will help.
And remember to select the correct “Organisation” on the login form.

orchestrator organization



you changed the host and then gave the details?


i leave the Orginization is Default which is Host , because this is the 1st i login.

this is the logfile
logfile.txt (337.3 KB)