Can't find an anchor to my element

Putting this on the backburner since I couldnt find where you said it would.

Btw, happy birthday.

I think so…
I’m waiting for the final confirmation of a successful operation…

So I’ve highlighted that in the Check App State. is that correct?

And when that highlighted element appears… I choose to click okay

@KD11 Thanks so much :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. If you click on Check App state, it gives the related properties on the right side. Check the below screenshot. Enable Check Visibility property, set the Wait for Page Load(click on drop down) property to complete. Try run the bot after doing this. If didn’t work check the 2nd one and share the results

  1. To know the selector is highlighting the right element, open your selector, and also make sure you open the dialog box that you are looking for using Check App State function. Now, click on highlight button in the selector and see is it highlighting the dialog box or not

I tried Option 1 and set it so

I do not have the Check Visibility check option in Options

And I checked with option 2 Highlight thing… Yes it is selecting the right thing…

So no solution so far…

Also… why isnt it waiting 222 seconds for the element to appear?


  • Try to update the UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities package to 21.4.4 then you might see that check visibility option
  • Also, did you check the check App State functionality after Wait for Page Load property to complete
  • Even after making this changes if it didn’t work, then use only click activity by giving more time out( default it is 30sec, give 1-2min). So that it will wait for OK button to appear, once it appears then it will perform click

I already have the latest version

I have given 222 secs… dont understand why it isnt waiting

The Wait for page Load is part of the check app state right? so how can i check it seperately?

Heres a crazy story @ushu
I’m trying to do this in 3 places in my flow… Its not working in 2 places… and working in one… I’ve made Element Visibility: Legacy on all… I’ve given same delay and timeout for all… Also same Wait for page load for all… yet different results… @loginerror


Avoid using preview package, it might give some unexpected results. So, downgrade the UIAutomation activities package to 21.4.4 (if available). Try running the process once you downgrade the package and see how it goes

Q1 : The Wait for page Load is part of the check app state right? so how can i check it separately?
Ans : You need not to check separately. Set to Wait for Pager Load property to Complete and run the process how you did it earlier

Q2 : I have given 222 secs… dont understand why it isnt waiting
Ans : Try this way, Avoid using Check App State Activity, Instead of this use only click Activity by giving more Time out . Ref to below screenshot

Here I have given the time out is 60sec equal to 1min

After i downgraded… i got all these error messages… almost gave me a heartattack

See… I cannot hardcode a timeout in the final version… here’s the thing… I’m going to attempt one operation… it can be success or failure and the operation takes time to complete… thats why i used Check app state and used Target Appears Sequence with a timer to wait until my success/failure confirmation message appears

btw I want to thank you @ushu for taking the time to help me

@KD11 Give a try with Element Exists Activity . For this go to activities panel and click on the filter option at the top

Then enable Show Classic . Now search for element exists in the activities panel

  • The output of element exists activity is boolean
  • Take if condition and check bool value is True, if it True then click okay

Find sample workflow below (2.5 KB)

Note : Try this in separate workflow, if it works then you can implement it in the main code