Can't find activity "For each row in DataTable"

I just install UiPath 2023.10.0 and learn from Tutorial. And notice my UiPath do not have "For each row in Data table under Programming\DataTable. How to add it? Thank you for help!


Can you check under Workflow? (Or type foreachrow in search bar)



thank you! I did try For each row under WorkFlow, and it show error
ERROR Validation Error BC30652: Reference required to assembly ‘System.Xml.ReaderWriter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’ containing the type ‘IXmlSerializable’. Add one to your project.

So I had thought this is not correct direction. after your post, I try again after restart UiPath, there is no more error.

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