Can't access emails from Yahoo account - Get IMAP Mail Messages: LOGIN Invalid credentials

I’ve searched the forum for a solution. Many people have had this problem, but everyone seems to be using Gmail. I’m trying to use a Yahoo email account. The solution apparently is to set an app password. Well, I’ve done that, but I keep getting the same error or different errors.

  • When I try using my regular password, I get Get IMAP Mail Messages: LOGIN Invalid credentials.
  • When I try using an app password from my Google account (not gmail - I use the yahoo mail for the google account), I also get Get IMAP Mail Messages: LOGIN Invalid credentials.
  • When I try using an app password from my yahoo account, I get Get IMAP Mail Messages: The IMAP server replied to the 'SEARCH' command with a 'BAD' response: UID SEARCH Command arguments invalid.
  • I’ve tried Get Password, but it didn’t change anything.
  • Disabling Windows Firewall makes no difference.
  • I don’t have any antivirus installed.
  • All the settings in Properties seem to be correct.

PLEASE HELP! I don’t know what to do and I need to learn this for my new job.

Forgot to mentio that I don’t have Outlook intalled, that’s why I’m trying to use Get IMAP Mail Messages.

I found the solution. Apparently, the app password from the yahoo account was working just fine. The problem was the Filter used for the subject line. Should be "SUBJECT ""title-of-subject""", but I had typed "[Subject] = 'title-of-subject"'

It worked after I corrected that. I found this info in the documentation:

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