Cannot select element in browser (Blackline)

Please bear with me as I’m new user.
I’m trying to automate the activities for Blackline processing.
When I use ‘Click’ or any of the functions, I cannot select element as the entire page is highlighted.
I’ve tried other websites and the functions seems to work fine.
I’m using IE.

Welcome to the forum

can you check if for this webpage in IE the protection mode is enabled. For this go to:
IE > Options > Internetoptions > Security

If it is enabled:

  • disable, uncheck protection mode
  • OR add it to trusted sites
  • OR do similar configuration on the relevant zone settings

Yes! It’s turned on. I’ve turned it off and it’s now working!!!

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Perfect. Blocked IE can have multiple reasons and there are several threads on it. May I ask you to mark the solving post as solution. So others can benefit from ii when they are searching for solutions. Thanks

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Btw, instead of disabling Protected Mode I’ve added Blackline to the list of Trusted sites. It seems to work as well.

Yes, on a dev system ticking off is the quick fix.
For a clean Infrastructure configuration adding to trusted site / zone modifications is the recommended way.

Thanks for this valuable feedback

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