Cannot run any processes in UiPath App Preview

Hi all, I’m encountering an error when I try to link my UiPath Studio code to the UiPath App Studio. I encounter the following error when I call the UiPath Studio code from preview.

I tried using different browsers, but still encountering the same error. My UiPath Studio file runs properly, but gives me this error when I try to link it to UiPath App.
I am using UiPath Community Edition. I have UiPath Assistant but I don’t have UiPath Robot. I can’t find the download link for UiPath Robot anywhere and I’ve spent so long trying to solve this problem. Please help :smiling_face_with_tear:


First did you try to run the process from orchestrator ? Were you able to run?

Also uirobot would have already been installed to confirm can you open task manager and select detaila tab and search for service


Just tried running from orchestrator, not sure if im doing it correctly, but it doesnt work when I click into the start a job button.

Do I need to have a runtime? I’ve been trying to add one but I think most of the tutorials I found are outdated.

My task manager looks like this when I am trying to run the process


I dont see any runtime licenses assigned

Please go to tenant → machiens → edit machine and gice atleast 1 unattended license else how would it work?

And executor has started so I believe you selected attended run from apps …if so then process is starting but the error is from something in process…please check the flow…when running check the log messages to check where it failed
