Cannot Download Process in unattended Robot VM from local OC

We created a new process and published it to the Local Orchestrator.
However, when we start a job on the unattended robot PC, it doesn’t run normally, takes a long time, and eventually results in a timeout error.
We also have another process that runs perfectly.

Could anyone share their experiences or suggestions for resolving this issue?

Thank you!


Can you tell in which of studio have you published the project. If it’s Community Version of UiPath Studio then the job will not run since orchestrator version is 2023.10.0. Try publishing the project in the version of 2023.10.0 version of UiPath Studio or 2023.4 version of UiPath Studio and check once.

Make sure to keep all the packages in the latest version by keeping RunTime rule as Lowest As Applicable.



Can you please tell the exact error

Also check if there are any firewall blocks for the process

Or if you have any latest packages then check the orchestrator version sometimes higher versions might not be downloded


We discovered that the issue was related to a proxy network problem.
Thank you for your response!

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