Hi All,
I need to get the Regular Expressions to fetch the below values:
- Net Asset Value: $ 2,639,679
- Commitment: 3,000,000
- Less: Contributions: (2,302,493)
- Remaining Capital Commitment: $ 697,507
Please help on this
Hi All,
I need to get the Regular Expressions to fetch the below values:
Please help on this
Here are the regular expressions to extract the values:
Net Asset Value:\s*\$?\s*([\d,]+)
Remaining Capital Commitment:\s*\$?\s*([\d,]+)
Each regex captures the numerical values while handling optional dollar signs and parentheses. Let me know if you need modifications!
NetAssetValue = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(inputString, "(?<=net asset value of \$)[\d,]+").Value
RemainingCommitment = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(inputString, "(?<=remaining capital commitment of \$)[\d,]+").Value
TotalCommitment = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(inputString, "(?<=total commitment of \$)[\d,]+").Value
These expressions will extract:
WHat about Commitment??
the values will be dynamic
Yes RegEx is always dynamic, until you handle properly your string values.
actually if order is same then thise should do the job to match any numbr…and () generally means they are negative number can replace them once you read and consider value as negative
@Anil_G ,
I am using the below expression to get Net asset Value but not working:
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(ReadPage2, “((?\d{1,}[\d,]+)?”).Value
Check your String “ReadPage2” once and use it ReadPage2.trim.toString
Hi All ,
I need to fetch these values using regex please help:
Net Asset Value $ 2,639,679
Commitment Summary
Commitment 3,000,000
Less: Contributions (2,302,493)
Remaining Capital Commitment $ 697,507
Hi @naveen.s
What is your input data and required output data, could you please specify more to get us understandable.
first of all check how the values look by writing the data to text file…then we can get the regex for each
Please find the text as below:
H.R.H Haifa Bint Faisal Bin Fahad AlSaud
Statement of Partner’s Capital Activity
Quarter To Date Inception To Date
Beginning Capital $ 2,534,631 $ -
Contributions - 2,302,493
Income/(Loss) Allocation
Operating Income/(Expense)
Investment incomedExpenses
Setup and Structuring Costs - (42,211)
Management fee expense (6,371) (11,230)
Professional fees and other expenses (449) (927)
Net Expenses (6,820) (54,368)
Change in Gain/(Loss) on Investments
Change in unrealized gain/(loss) 111,868 391,555
Net Change in Gain/(Loss) on Investments 111,868 391,555
Total Income/(Loss) 105,048 337,187
Net Asset Value $ 2,639,679 $ 2,639,679
Commitment Summary
Commitment 3,000,000
Less: Contributions (2,302,493)
Remaining Capital Commitment $ 697,507
Please find the Input text as below:
H.R.H Haifa Bint Faisal Bin Fahad AlSaud
Statement of Partner’s Capital Activity
Quarter To Date Inception To Date
Beginning Capital $ 2,534,631 $ -
Contributions - 2,302,493
Income/(Loss) Allocation
Operating Income/(Expense)
Investment incomedExpenses
Setup and Structuring Costs - (42,211)
Management fee expense (6,371) (11,230)
Professional fees and other expenses (449) (927)
Net Expenses (6,820) (54,368)
Change in Gain/(Loss) on Investments
Change in unrealized gain/(loss) 111,868 391,555
Net Change in Gain/(Loss) on Investments 111,868 391,555
Total Income/(Loss) 105,048 337,187
Net Asset Value $ 2,639,679 $ 2,639,679
Commitment Summary
Commitment 3,000,000
Less: Contributions (2,302,493)
Remaining Capital Commitment $ 697,507
Required output Values as below which is highlighted in bold:
1.Net Asset Value $ 2,639,679
2.Commitment 3,000,000
3.Less: Contributions (2,302,493)
4.Remaining Capital Commitment $ 697,507
Okay @naveen.s
You can use the below regular expressions,
(?<=Net Asset Value \$\s+)[\d\,\.]+
2.Commitment 3,000,000
(?<=Commitment \$\s+)[\d\,\.]+
(?<=Less: Contributions\s*)[\(\)\d\,\.]+
(?<=Remaining Capital Commitment \$\s*)[\d\,\.]+
Hope it helps!!
Hi @naveen.s
1: Net Asset value: (?<=Net Asset Value\s)$\s*[\d,]+
2: Commitment: (?<=Commitment\s)[\d,]+
3: Less: Contributions: (?<=Less: Contributions\s)[-(\d,).]+
4: Remaining Capital Commitment: (?<=Remaining Capital Commitment\s)$\s*[\d,]+
@naveen.s , please always sanitise the data before publishing online. I think you just published financial information of a member of a royal family. Either you or your employer could end up having to face the legal system.
try this