Can we use any Package that is available from Manage Packages?

Can we use any Package that is available from Manage Packages section? Some packages names have like some user names (example Sureshtestpackagecalculator, Singhnugetpackage). Can we trust them and use it for real time Project?

Hi, Yes you can use the packages they are custom packages created for specific purpose and they mean no harm.
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Packages from the Official feed or from Go! should be safe to use since they are either built or reviewed by UiPath. Other packages can be used as long as you trust the source that they come from.

So if package is present in “” we can use it, Otherwise its our risk right?

Yes, And You can also create your own packages as per your need…

The official feed at is also “safe”. Otherwise, yes it is your risk. That risk is probably pretty low in most cases, but it is there.


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