Can we run the attended BOT through Orchestrator ? If yes then what is the need to make attended in Orchestrator ?
@hemal - * Attended - operates on the same workstation as a human, to help the user accomplish daily tasks. It is usually triggered by user events. You cannot start a process from Orchestrator on this type of Robots, and they cannot run under a locked screen. They can be started only from the Robot tray or from the Command Prompt . Attended Robots should only run under human supervision.
The Robot is UiPath’s execution agent that enables you to run workflows built in Studio. A Robot is installed as a Windows Service by default. As a result, the Robot can open Windows sessions (interactive or non-interactive), under the Local System…
Arguments Description
To make it easier for you to work with command line arguments, navigate to the directory in which the Robot is installed using the change directory command. For example, if you did not change the default location of the Robot, you can use the…
Since this post bubbles up on any search engine, I thought I would amend another answer. You COULD build an Attended REFramework “Performer” that retries getting a queue/task every minute or two in GetTransaction while there is no “Stop”. Scenario: a clerk could be working on mundane chores until a priority task falls to them, which then informs them with a message box (or add UiPath.Form.Activities) to pause for them to save their current work, then open needed applications and proceeds to do interactive work.
Think of merging the best features of Robotic Enterprise Framework and Attended Process templates.
p.s. I hate the over-engineered Config structure of the Attended template except making the Config dictionary Global.
I’ve been trying to change hearts and minds for a while to abandon the entire idea of the config dictionary. Its not needed in 2024 and we should move to just using an asset in the same scope that we use it and remove any config excels or JSONS etc.
I was seeing Assets getting way too cluttered already.
I don’t like the storage of the JSON under the Documents folder. We add an “override” in_Config_path parameter to our REF projects so we can test various scenarios during development.
It’s difficult for this COBOL trained programmer to devolve from “Structured Programming” to so many things that are added just because it’s available and cool.
I’m not saying add more assets though. I am saying the ones that you do use, shouldnt be in some config that you pass around the workflows or use as a global variable.