Suppose if we deploy the xaml into orchestrator and if we want to run those into assistant. Can we restrict only few xaml files to run in a system.
I assume by xaml file you mean the bot or process. You can control this through folder access control.
Set up the user’s account with appropriate roles and execution settings that limit their ability to run processes only within the designated folders. This ensures that they can only run specified processes from these folders.
Should I save the Xaml files in a folder and restrict the access to the people??
Can’t I restrict in the assistant
We can’t just upload the xamls to Orchestrator folders and run it. You will have to create a project for each and publish it to Orchestrator. Once you publish, create a process of that package into the desired folders on Orchestrator.
Once this setup is ready assign the users to the respective folders they should have access and they will be able to run it.
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