Can we create a executable file of UI PATH automation process?

Hello Community:) I would like to ask that when I create an automation process using UI path for my client, and I want to sell that process to a client, so I want to ask that can I create an executable file like .exe or any software or any app sort, so that my client can directly open that file and run the automation without knowing that this process is made in UI PATH, please help me if it is possible??

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Hello @Deepak_Gautam ,

I don’t think this is possible.
If you create an automation in UiPath studio, your client should have installed the UiPath robot on his machine. That robot will execute the steps that you configured.

You can send your automated process as a package, but not as an executable.

I hope that helps.



Can we use UiPath cloud, so the client can use it without installing UI path

For running process being configured in UiPath Orchestrator [cloud], you need to set up a uipath robot in the machine u need to run it
Hope you got the idea
Nived N
Happy Automation

@NIVED_NAMBIAR is there any solution to give the automated process to our client and client can directly open it or use it without installing UI Path , as the client is not good in tech and he directly want to use our automation process created using UI PATH, please guide me Sir, or any solution , how to sell the automation to clients without any complexity from clients end while using…?

Hi @TheTanmay1
we cannot create exe file of uipath workflow.

What we will be doing is in production environment where the bot is deployed

Here in target machine, we are installing the UiPath robot only . Then via orchestrator, we can run our process either as scheduled or unattended as per the requirement .

Hope you got the idea around that

If you need any help, let me know further

Nived N
Happy Automation

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