Can we click an element relative to an active element in uipath?
I have a webpage which parses CVs, and depending upon the experiences written in CV the web page creates some fields with same titles. It sometimes misses the company names which results in error alerts. on clicking the alerts it jumps to the required field. now i want to click on another field relative to this active field.
Can you scrape that element which is showing Error and check the selector
Tell me is it missing after typing into the element? Then you can place a element exist for the mandatory fields, once you type into that filed check for the element where it is error
In this way may be it can be resolved
Hope this helps you
This data is automatically parsed by the system.
I need to click the remove button relative to the active field
the active field can be any field
You mean to say that you need to click remove Company and Title as per above screenshot
Once you click remove what are the next steps, can you share the screenshot of that
Okay, Once you click on the how many error you can scrap the list by using data scrapping
You have to find the unique value where it will loop into by the selector, so by that way you can achieve
Hope this helps you
go to the properties of the click action. There you can find under the drop down “target” x,y coordinates. The positive y is down, positive x is to the right of the screen.