Can users who have Community Version of UiPath Studio will be able to have access to AutoPilot -Test case generation feature?

Hi Team

I have Developer license version with enterprise Orchestrator access. I could see the Test Manager → Requirement → Able to create/generate Test cases.

Wheras, my team has Community version and there own workspace in Orchestrator. They are NOT able to see Test Manager in their Orchestrator.

Questions :-

  1. Is it that only Developer Licensed member will have access to Test Manager?
  2. Is there any other way apart from giving Developer License, to provide access for Test Manager ?

Hi @srupreti

You can add the test manager in community version through the services that will be available in the admin.


Any document that I can refer for the steps?

Hi @srupreti

Admin >> Default Tenant >> Services >> Test Manager

Mostly you can see the test manager in the services itself and please use the enable and lauch from there then you can see the test manager.

If the test Manager is not visible in the services then click on add services and from there you can see the test manager from there please add there and you will able to use the test manager.


I could see the Test Manager under the Services Section.

But after that once I create the requirement I am unable to see the buttons as “Evaluate Quality” and “Generate tests”. Can I see these buttons without licensed version ?

HI @srupreti

Yes, to use those options you need to have the enterprise license.


Hi @srupreti

Is your query resolved?


Yes, Anil. Its resolved.

Thanks !

Hi @srupreti

If your query is resolved please do mark the post from which you have got the solution to close the loop and also it will help other community members the solution if anyone facing the same issue.


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