Can someone help me to remove the duplicate rows

I have a table where the row 3 and row 5 are repeated . I can only remove the row if both of these conditions satisfy: name repeats and also project ID repeats for that person.
Attaching the excel sheet for your reference

Kindly someone help me
test11.xlsx (9.7 KB)

Hey @shilpa_p,

Go through the below link this will help you to solve your issue.


Thanks. Can you please provide me the thread link

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Thanks a lot. I will go through

@shilpa_p Please go through the below workflow (11.8 KB)

Datatable DT1 = DT.DefaultView.ToTable(True, "Name","Proj ID")

above exp which will give the values where name and project id not repeats



Thank you so much. It works :slight_smile:

if i need to mention column number instead of column name , then how should i write

@shilpa_p Is there any problem in giving column name

no in my actual file, the column name is repeated twice. So I asked. While reading that file I skip reading headers.

@shilpa_p Try this

DT.DefaultView.ToTable(True, DT.Columns(0).ToString, DT.Columns(2).ToString)

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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