Can someone help me to paste table to mail

Hi @shilpa_p ,

Could you try following the Below Steps :

  1. Use the WorkBook Read Range Activity to Read Excel file from the Range "A2"

  2. Next use the Below Workflow to Remove Empty Columns in the Datatable
    Remove Empty Columns.xaml (11.7 KB)

You would require to Invoke this as a Workflow, from your main workflow and supply the arguments.

or if you do know the Column Names before hand, we can pass the Column Names to the Below Expression to Keep only needed Columns :
Using an Assign Activity use the Following Expression :

DT = DT.DefaultView.ToTable(false,"Column1","Column2","Column3")

The Above Expression would keep only the "Column1","Column2","Column3" in the Datatable.

  1. Next we can make use of the Below Component to Convert the Datatable to HTML Table.

Let us know if you are still facing issues.