I have like this file and i wanted workflow can pick this file name and processed on two date range as first on 15th of every month and second will be 30th of every month.
How can i make this so workflow can catch this file and processed some further processing.
1. Sequence
a. Assign
- To: currentDate
- Value: Now
b. Assign
- To: day
- Value: currentDate.Day
c. If (condition: day = 15 Or day = 30)
i. Assign
- To: folderPath
- Value: "C:\path\to\your\folder\"
ii. Assign
- To: filePattern
- Value: "Acquisition_Admin_Payee_" & currentDate.ToString("MMMMyyyy") & ".xlsx"
iii. Assign
- To: filePath
- Value: Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, filePattern).FirstOrDefault()
iv. If (condition: Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
A. Log Message
- Message: "File found: " & filePath
B. Excel Application Scope
- WorkbookPath: filePath
- Do: (Your Excel operations here)
A. Log Message
- Message: "File not found."
i. Log Message
- Message: "Today is not the 15th or 30th."
Hope this process will help you
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Thanks for your help i think i got the asnwer, @rlgandu
Kindly Mark this as solution if it helps you