Can orchestrator send mail alert when queue items has grown

Hi @ovi

Can we use orchestrator to send mail message to relevant party with checking queue item growth


@dilini2004 Did you mean by Checking the Length of the Items in the Queue?

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@supermanPunch I mean when checking the queue growth (count of queue items) or according to deadline, I need to send mail using orchestrator

@dilini2004 Yes you can, you can check the Number of Queue items , by using Get Queue items Activity and then Send a Mail.

@supermanPunch need to generate mail message from orchestrator itself. because if bot machines having any issue and orchestrator queue is increasing then mail should pass from it.

@dilini2004 I don’t think it’s possible to generate or Get mail messages from Orchestrator solely :sweat_smile: , We can Deploy a Process to Orchestrator, which will in turn run in the machine and then you can get the Output you need.