Can office365 activities opertate Microsoft List?

Hi Guys.
I want to confirm that Office365 activities can operate Miscrosoft List?
I haven’t the office365 environment and I know “Add List Items” is belong SharePoint Lists, so I want to confirm this.

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i think if have E3 license you can work with it.

Hi @Shakti_Singh
Thanks your reply
I can’t confirm that whether operate Microsoft List.

Hey @donghai

If you have the access to it, of course the same can be done !


Hi @Nithinkrishna
Thanks for your reply.
I have not the office365 environment.


I think we can create List in not only sharepoint online site but also personal space, on Microsoft List.
We can access it in sharepoint site using current O365 activities package. However, It seems difficult to access it using it, if we create it in personal space at this time.


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Hi @Yoichi
Thanks for your reply!
You always give me a help!
I think I should test this myself, Because SharePoint List, Microsoft List, personal space and so on, I am not familiar with these words.

Hi @donghai ,
The lists available on Microsoft Lists are located on SharePoint, thus treated as SharePoint Lists too.

Thus, yes, you can use the “Add List Items” activity from the package UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities in order to add a new item on the Microsoft/SharePoint list. Just make sure to configure the activity correctly at design time.

Please note that in order to add new items you (your user) need to have the necessary permissions (at least “Contribute” permissions) on the respective list. The full list of the permissions that can add/edit items on SharePoint list can be found here.

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Hi @Dumitrita_Crasnojon
Thank you very much!

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