Can not understand what's『Function(d) New FileInfo(d).CreationTime』of this script mean

Hi there,

when I tried to find out how to read the newest file in the directory, I found out the script below.

Directory.GetFiles(“FOLDER PATH”).OrderByDescending( Function(d) New FileInfo(d).CreationTime ).First
this script come from here post 4==> How to select and load the newest file from a folder?

I understand almost 95% of it except I cant understand the function section where I Bolded that I’ve never seen that before

Could some help me to explain it or give me some direction where to google it.

Thank in advance

Have you googled Linq?

Directory.GetFiles(“FOLDER PATH”) - is a string Array with the filepaths of the found files
.OrderByDescending( Function(d) New FileInfo(d).CreationTime )

  • OrderByDescending orders the files.
  • the so called lambda function specifies the criteria which is to used for the ordering
  • FileInfo is a class giving informations about files, we do create a new one for the particular file (keep in mind that this linq is looping over all items from Directory.GetFiles)
    FileInfo Class (System.IO) | Microsoft Learn
  • from the new created FileInfo we do use the property CreationTime for the Descending ordering
  • All items are descendend ordered on the creation time

.First() - taking the first element from ordered sequence

So the result is: taking the file with the newest Creation datetime

thanks now I know it relate to LINQ and Lambda
And I still have a question after reading LINQ and Lambda ,In 『Function(d) New FileInfo(d).CreationTime)」this script, I know alphabet “d” represents for argument, but what object would eventually pass in ? I cant tell

thanks !

thank you for your replying
now I know it relate to LINQ and Lambda
And I still have a question after reading LINQ and Lambda ,In 『Function(d) New FileInfo(d).CreationTime)」this script, I know alphabet “d” represents for argument, but what object would eventually pass in ? I cant tell

thanks !

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Using type inference, the compiler will determine that the type argument for d is a string (since GetFiles() returns a string array). You could rename the d to strFilename to make it easier to understand.

Directory.GetFiles(“FOLDER PATH”).OrderByDescending( Function(strFilename) New FileInfo(strFilename).CreationTime ).First

Thanks now I get it

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