Can I check datatable outputs for a particular value using an IF statement?


I need to somehow check DT row value results for a particular variable value. If the value is found then populate a field. If the value is not in the DT then to throw an error. Is this possible please?


Hi, @TRX

You can achieve this using the .Any method like this

dt_Invoices.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(x) x("NF").ToString.Trim = "131212312312312")

You can use any column to search for specifc value and compare. If at least one is found, the expression returns True

To throw a error, you can use Throw Activity and use this expression as example

new BusinessRuleException("Invoice not found")

As best practice you need to throw a Business Exception because System Exception is related to system fails etc

Solution (2.8 KB)

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Thanks! This did the trick!

Thank you @Nguyen_Van_Luong1

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