Can Failed trasaction is recrected in Orchestrator and retry the same

Can Failed trasaction is recrected in Orchestrator and retry the same and what is the connection between Max retry Number and retry trasaction in Orchestrator


If you create the queue in Orchestrator with Max # of retries enabled, any failed transaction will recreate new transaction same as failed one automatically to process.

Max retry Number is instruction to Orchestrator to create new queue item these many times.

The retry number refers to the number of times a failed process or job is automatically retried.

Ashok :slight_smile:


Welcome to the community

yes failed transaction can be recreated by clicking retry manually in orchetsrator queue transactions…

When auto retry is enabled we need to provide a max retry so that when transaction fails with application exception it would add a new item again to process until max retry is reached…when we manually want to retry as well we can still click on retry if we want…retry number is incremented always when retries till max retry is reached

Hope this helps


Thank you Ashok for your valueable response

Thank You Anil for your response

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Hi @Ajij_Mujawar

Max Retry Number is a property of the Retry Scope activity or the Queue settings in UiPath Studio.

When you set the Max Retry Number for a queue in UiPath Studio, it determines how many times the transaction will be retried if it fails due to an application exception.

The retry is handled within the workflow itself, meaning that Studio will attempt to execute the transaction again if it fails, up to the number of times specified in Max Retry Number.


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