Can click choose exact match from multiple values


I have a scenario where I want to type something in the text field, and after typing it will show similar matches and I have to choose only the one which is exactly the same as what I have typed.
Click activiti is working fine if only one result is shown
But if multiple matches are shown then it got stuck.

Thanks in advance

Hi @Riya_Bansal ,

Keep aaname in selector as that exact word. It should work.

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Hi i have done the same
working if list size is only 1.

Can you share the screen shots of the screen and selectors being used?



<webctrl aaname=‘(\s+)?{{familyDoctor}}(\s+)?’ matching:aaname=‘regex’ tag=‘DIV’/>


Try this.

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suppose this is the scenario
it is not working in these kind of scenario.

Try select item activity.