Can anyone please help me to create a process using RE Framework without GetTransactionData state

Hello, I have a requirement that, i need to create a process where i will read outlook mail message and download attachments and then send mail back to the user and this process i need to create using RE Framework but without GetTransactionData, SetTransactionData and Orch Queues & Assets. So, can anyone please help me…!! Thanks…

in such case we can comment out the unneeded parts from REF and adapting the datatype of the transactionitem.

However, as most of the building blocks from REF are turned off, there is maybe only a little reason why to force a REF usage.

Thanks for the reply, i can’t do anything because it’s client requirement. You know!!

could you pleaser let me know step by step how to do it.!?

Hey @mitradev_das

I guess you don’t want to use Orchestrator Queue but still use ReFramework ?

Could you please clarify ?


yes, correct.

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Hey @mitradev_das

In this case, you can just comment the Get Transaction item activity inside Get Transaction workflow & change the condition logic inside it as per your transaction source by also updating the data type of Transaction Item variable.

This will do the job.

Hope this helps.


Hi Nithin, i have already commented the GetTxnItem activity inside GetTxn workflow and i have updated the data type of TxnItem from Qitem to datarow as well. But, when i am running the process it is saying that because of no new transaction found process completed and it is not comming to process state. Any idea what i am missing here !?
Screenshot 2022-05-11 090432

Okay @mitradev_das

Let’s go step by step. I was just saying the first step above.

Now in the Get Transaction Workflow you have the IF condition which has default condition which should be changed.

To suggest something on the condition please show us the flow you are doing inside it !


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Hi Mitradev_das

Reframework is created using state machine. U can use the state machines and create your framework. use state machine activity and then use the state and one final state must be present.

Yes, i have updated the IF condition and let me check if it is coming to Process state or not. will let you know. Thanks!

Sure :+1: @mitradev_das

It works now, thanks for your help @Nithinkrishna

now i want to store the outlook emails into an data table variable and then i want to use it inside process state but i am not getting the email value, i am getting like this- “”. Any suggestion how to store mail in a dt var !?

Hey @mitradev_das

When you say you want to store emails in DataTable, you are looking for saving some specific email details ?

Also do you have multiple emails to be added in DataTable?


i am able to store subject, from, to and all but i am not able to store attachments. So, any idea how can we do it!? Attachments type=>

Hey @mitradev_das

What I suggest is to pass the object into the table column and keep the column type as mail message.

When you retrieve it, you can use the object to get subject, from, to, attachments etc !

Hope this helps


not working, any other way ?

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Hey @mitradev_das

Could you please show how did you tried that ?


and then i am adding the same value in to the DT using data row activity