Can anyone help me with this

i amd trying to run an automation but it throw this error.

Hi @mohamed.saty2012

Check the below thread


where i can change this

Hi @mohamed.saty2012

Open the project panel → Find the GlobalExceptionhandler xaml → delete it

Then it will resolve the error.

Hope it helps!!

i couldn’t fined it as shown

Without having Global exception handler flow are you using that xaml inside the main or any variables or arguments used. You can debug the flow and find where the error exactly occurs

Don’t search it in the search box, just take the screenshot of project panel and share with us… @mohamed.saty2012

I will tell you exactly what I have encountered I was working on UiPath version 2024.10.1.
after completing the workflow i have copied and past the project at another machine with UiPath version 23.4.2. after that i have encountered many errors. also, the data managers at the UiPath have appeared empty.

and all the global variables are not working. what should i do.

Due to version change this will happen. Data manager will not work in old version

ok what should i do to fix this issue

In the new machine also use the same version so that data manager will work.

this is the problem another machine cannot be upgrade because there is another workflow have been configured and working at the old version

Then in old machine downgrade the version and debug the entire Flow. If facing error check on the particular activity. If global variable alone error create those variable in main flow and pass it as argument to all other flows wherever required. If other than that facing any other error post the screenshot if not able to resolve. After resolving the issues deploy it in new machine . Always its better practice to develop the code and deploy it in the same version

Hope it helps!!!

i will try this approach and feed you back

Sure. Let me know if you encountered any other issues

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the argument solution work fine now i can move values to another workflow. but still there is another problem. i will close this topic as resolved and open another with the new error thanks for the support really appreciated

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Wow, the topics I created back in the day were from February. We have past half July already. It’s amazing how fast these issues are addressed by the team xD

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