Can a UiPath App be 'transfered' to a different Organization Tenant?

Hello, I am in a team that has developed a simple UiPath App that allows us to run 3 specific Processes in Attended mode.

In the page, we:

  • make use of certain input controls to gather Input Parameters for the Job
  • use the ‘Clicked-on’ Event (handlers) of Buttons to invoke the Start process activity to run our 3 processes.

Our issue is this: we’d designed and Published this App in our TenantA, in our OrganizationA.

Out our hypothetical Client would have their own OrganizationB consisting of their (Production Orchestrator) TenantB.

It is simple enough to configure TenantB to have the same Packages and Folder Structure as TenantA.

(Question 1:) BUT, how do we make it so that we can some how ‘port’ our UiPath App from TenantA to TenantB, so that it is able to run the Processes in TenantB folders, that are identical to the ones that are run from TenantA?

(Question 2:) Is there a way to export/save the App as a file that can be then pushed to a GitHub repository? (Cause, our team basically has a Repository consisting of the UiPath Studio projects underlying the Packages in TenantA - and we would share this repository with our hypothetical client).

Any help is much appreciated!


Welcome to forums

Check below post for reference

Hope this will help you


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Thank you for the suggestion! Unfortunately, I already reviewed that Thread, and it is a different issue than mine. That thread is basically regarding access to a UiPath App by Users within the same Tenant in the same Organization.

My issue is more about ‘replication’/‘cloning’/‘transfer’ of a UiPath App from the Tenant of one Organization to the Tenant of a Different Organization.

But good news is that I think I have found the answer (and it is simple):

Basically, my team is is working within a (Development) Orchestrator TenantA in OrganizationA. Further, the Packages published to this TenantA, have their corresponding UiPath Studio projects saved in a GitHub Repository.

Goal: Given that our team makes it so that the Folder-structure & Packages of TenantA is replicated into a (Production) Orchestrator TenantB in OrganizationB:

  • Our team also wants to make it so that the UiPath App AppA is ‘replicated’/‘cloned’/‘transfered’ from TenantA into TenantB as AppB.


  1. Open AppA in UiPath Apps Studio.
  2. Click the Vertical 3 Dots in the upper right corner AppVertical3Dots
  3. Click the Export App option. This will allow you to save the app as a .uiapp file locally. Suppose you export it as AppB.uiapp.
  4. git add & push to the GitHub Repository

This basically allows the hypothetical client, with their (Production) TenantB in OrganizationB,

  • to import AppB.uiapp into TenantB.

I wish that the documentation in UiPath Apps Docs was more thorough. It says nothing about exporting a UiPath App as a local.uiappfile.


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