Can a Process be scheduled to run at different times with different asset values

Hey guys,

We have 1 process which needs to execute 3 different set of files.

Process runs at time A with set 1 of files(files folders to be processed is to be identified from asset values).

Process runs at time B with set 2 of files(files folders to be processed is to be identified from asset values).

Process runs at time C with set 3 of files(files folders to be processed is to be identified from asset values).

Now I know this can be achieved by using changing asset values every time process needs to start. But in this case, someone should go change asset values and start the process.

However what we are looking for is to find a way- Process is scheduled to run at 3 different times using different assets or asset values.

Is there a way this can be achieved?


Create 3 time based triggers. Set the parameters in each trigger. Trigger parameters override the Process parameters (which override the argument defaults you see in Studio).

(Parameters in Orchestrator are actually called Arguments in Studio, btw)

Use process running time and use time as condition to differentiate assest.

Thank you everyone for your response.

We finally ended up creating different processes to achieve this.

But I agree what Paul has suggested, creating 3 triggers with different parameter values should work too.

So any of this approach can be used.


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