Calculate Mode from a datatable tha got different values from the same name

Dear friends,

I’m with a problem, I wanna calculate the Mode from a datatable that contains different values from the same name, but i don’t know how to do that!

I got a datatable like that:


The Mode that I wanna calculate is from the column “totalExecutionTimeInMinutes”, and generate a new datatable with all these values grouped by name.

Can you help me to solve that problem?

Welcome to the forum

For grouping data have a look here:

Thanks for the answer! I don’t wanna only agroup the information from the datatable but also calculate a Mode from the column “totalExecutionTimeInMinutes” with the same name.

Its described in the second part on how we can process the group members e.g. summing up:

otherwise just share with us the expected output data to the given input data. We will work out a solution for this. Thanks

That’s the expected output value:


Calc a Mode from the robots and generate a new datatable with the name, environment and the totalExecutionTimeInMinutes with the result of the calc for each robot.

Thanks for try to help me!