Calculate Client Securrity Hash: Assign: "Cannot Find Column WI5"

Hi all,

I am at uipath academy level 3 Calculate Client Security Hash and getting this error for hours. “Cannot find column WI5”

I check data scraping but cannot find anything.

Is there anyone who can help me about that error? If it will not be problem, i can share my all project.


And here is the error.


@lakshman @KarthikByggari @balupad14

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In the select query, please update query as

Type = ‘WI5’

Please enclose the wi5 in single quotes.

Karthik Byggari


Hey @KarthikByggari thanks for your attention. But now i am getting another interesting error. Can you please help me about that error again :sweat_smile:

I did not sign it as solution because i don’t want to miss this page. but i will


The select query should be like this.

      WIList = TransactionData.Select("Type ='WI5' AND Status = 'Open'") 

Where WIList variable should be of type Array of DataRow

Thanks a lot @lakshman but can you please help me again about this one:

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It should be like this.

       out_TransactionItem = dt_workitems(in_TransactionNumber - 1)

Actually index will start from 0 onwards.

I did it but this time getting same error at first time. I don’t understand where should i put this index. Cause there is no index.


I guess you intialized TransactionNumber with 0 in INIT state ? Please check it once.

If yes then initialize with 1.

Set TransactionNumber to 0 in Main workflow.
And in the attached screenshot, change the condition in IF as shown below -

in_TransactionNumber < dt_WorkItems.Count

Karthik Byggari


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