Calculate Client Security Hash FAILED 0/100 but works fine for me locally

Here is the video of my solution for the Advanced Training Assignment: Calculate Client Security Hash:


The instructor’s comments are:
Total Items: 20 Completed Items: 20 Correct Items: 0

I am not sure what is incorrect about the Items, as all the WI5 statuses have changed to ‘Completed’ and they all have a different hashcode as a comment.
Can someone tell me why this is?

Many thanks

What does it says? Have you reset the data after running and before uploading the solution? Work items should stay with the Completed status when it’s being verified.

I resubmitted my assignment and I did not reset my test data while the assignment was under review but I still received 0/100.
The Instructor’s Comments are saying: Total Items: 20 Completed Items: 20 Correct Items: 0

But I am not sure what is incorrect about them, as all the WI5 statuses have changed to complete and they all have a hashcode as a comment. (See attached picture for an example)

Why is this happening?


Hi @fouried96,
Please avoid of showing solutions or pasting projects related to academy trainings. Those are made to teach RPA skills and someone could use your ideas to made theirs own trainings. Instead try to describe, show screenshot of the problem, debug etc.


Could you please show me screenshot of how you are entering Client details into SHA1 site. Need to check once how you are passing the data. Use Trim method to remove extra spaces. Most of the people did mistake here only.

Hi @fouried96,

Please follow this.

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