Hey all,
Got a weird one involving an Invoked workflow and the data being retrieved. This issue only started today (has been working for a YEAR with no issues) and i cant debug it so am turning to you wonderful people!
Here is the READ PDF text from a file (relevant part anyways):
Total Cost
(inc GST)
INV DATE: 15/05/2020
INV DUE: 30/06/2020
Deliver To:
Here is the string split i am using to get the invoice number (413671):
VARIABLE.ToString.Split({"TAX INVOICE NO : "},2,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)(1).Split({vbCrLf},2,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)(0).Trim
One of my workflows Invoke file outputs this: 413671
The other workflow outputs this: 413671 INV DUE: 30/06/2020
I have been using both workflows for almost a YEAR now and this problem only happened this morning. I have used WRITE LINE directly after the string manipulation assign and get the same, DIFFERENT result from each workflow that uses the invoke…there are no other commands/activities between the string manipulation and the write line…so i am at a lose to figure it…
Does anyone know of a bug that would be causing this?