[BUG] Read Range (Sheets)

Today I was experimenting with Read Range (Activities - Read Range), and noticed it wasn’t populating the sheet names in the “Range” dropdown for my spreadsheet provided via Spreadsheet URL. After some testing, I realized that the Range doesn’t check that field. Instead, it’s checking, the Spreadsheet Template (even if it’s blank and never expanded).

Entering my URL into Spreadsheet Template makes the Range drop down populate.

When I manually select the spreadsheet via Browse it works properly. This bug seems to only be present when entering a sheet ID or URL.

Hi @jlpath ,
Can you share your file?
or image about error

The problem may be in the version you have for youe excel package

It’s google sheets, not excel. The only thing that I would say is slightly different about the case is that it’s a shared sheet (I am not the owner).