Broken Project?

Hello everyone, we made small changes to our dispatcher yesterday, saved it and loaded it into the orchestrator.

Now we have to change somethings in the sequences again and can’t do that.

The assigns cannot be changed as shown in the picture, the invoke has no properties.

When I add a new assign this error message appears: Value’ argument is required when assigning operation number ‘1’.

Does anyone know the problem?

Best Regards, Chris

The image shows an "Invoke Workflow File" activity in UiPath Designer, configured to invoke the file "Sales I API.xaml" from the directory "60 Sales_I_API." (Captioned by AI)

The body in the For Each is also not visible

Hi Chris,
Are you able to see the details of the ‘For each File’ activity in the Outline tab (Gliederung auf Deutsch:)). I’ve never experienced such an error, but maybe the following post will be helpful. It looks similar to your case. Let me know if you find a solution; I’m curious.”

Not able to edit the activities after uploading nupkg in studio - Help / Studio - UiPath Community Forum

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Hello @christop_berthold I think i saw this issue before, but with lower versions. Try double clicking on the activities to move inside the activities like “for each” or “multi assign”. Not sure how to resolve it though. I think is a temporary fix for you to modify the existing code.

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Hello everyone,

nothing helped, thanks for your contributions. I selected the previous version from the day before in Windows and made the changes again. Now it works again.

Check your dependencies.
If you publish a windows project to the orchestrator it gets (partially) compiled.
Downloading it again and unpacking the .nupkg file has a differently formatted project.

Most importantly you’ll see that the dependencies such as UiPath.System.Activities are now UiPath.System.Activities.runtime

Change these back to the regular packages should solve your issue. Easiest done by opening the project.json in a texteditor and deleting all .runtime instances, and then reopen your project.


Thanks that was a good hint, apparently there were problems with the upload!

I downloaded the package again, unzipped Xaml+Configs and copied it into the old folder and it works :smiley:

Thanks again

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