I have entered the companies name in excel sheet and used for each loop to iterate the stocks

Take 3 stocks input from the live-equity-market , which will show the stock symbol

Then Need to log and display the LTP and %CHNG in a message box for the stock symbol provided by user

Hi @Balaji_Srinivasan

Please find below Xamls

Main.xaml (91.1 KB)

Working of NSE.xaml (74.5 KB)

Hi @Balaji_Srinivasan (2.8 MB)

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Balaji_Srinivasan

Search the Company name in the search field. You will get much companies with the same name like a dropdown list. Use extract datatable activity to extract those companies as a datatable.
Use for each row in datatable activity to iterate the extracted datatable.
Take an If condition and take the full name of company in the datatable with the company name that you searched in the search field then you have another column in datatable with short name in the datatable. Store the short name of company in a variable and do search with that name.
Then it displays only one company and click on it.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Balaji_Srinivasan

It’s better to enter the keyword instead of company name.

If you want to enter the company name then search the company name in main website and delay for 2 seconds then click the 1st match in similar search results. Then it will navigate directly to the company stock details.

Hope it helps.