Bot time out


Is there a way by which a notification will be sent to user if the bot is stuck somewhere because of an unexpected pop up. For now it waits endlessly.



Use Try catch block.
In Try, block declare one variable of type exception and assign nothing. In catch block assign exception to that variable. And also use send mail activity to notify us if any error occurs in workflow.

This can be achieved using try catch block, if you have some activity to perform lets say find element and it fails so then the bot will got to catch block where you can have the exception and you can have a send mail activity as per your requirement.

Let us know if this helps.
Pavan H

Thank you for your responses. Maybe my question wasn’t clear enough. Try catch works when there is actually a failure. Let’s take an example of excel macros. If I run excel macro and the macro throws an error. There is an error message box thrown by the macro. In this case uipath waits endlessly for the macro to complete. Hope this makes sense.


In this case you can use the parallel activity which will click on the pop up that appears, or you can set flag and then try executing in loop after some attempts you can break the loop.

Let us know if this helps had some workaround and got this idea, please let us know if this helps.
Pavan H