Bot stucked without any write error logs

Hi, Bot is not jumping the 2nd Sequence after 10 min constant delay.

I have I am performing some tasks on-site in sequence-1. after sequence-1 I set a 10 Min constant delay. After 10 min I want to execute the second sequence.

Not After executed the successfully sequecne-1. It not jumping into a sequence I have waited 10 hours. But if there is any error It has to writted, But it’s not doing anything. Only I can see the bot is running. but not doing any activity. How can I overcome this issue? Screenshot attached.

@Palaniyappan @lakshman @Lahiru.Fernando

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Can I see the value mentioned in Delay activity
Is it mentioned with value like this


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What is the value that you are mentioned in delay activity ? @balkishan

sure bro.

@kalyanDev @Palaniyappan

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This looks fine
lets reduce the time in delay and check whether there is any issue inthe two sequences
Cheers @balkishan

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There is no issue bro in the sequence, If there is any error it will log the error message,
I don’t understand before it was working fine, now it executed the sequence -1 and doing nothing, only robot showing running in Orchestrator, But when I open the HVD only I can see the same screen which was performed by sequence - 1. It even not start the Sequence - 2.

Note - I have to wait 10 min atleast, Bcz it’s a condition in the website. So that’s way I set 10 min delay.