Bot in unattended mode

Hi all,
i’ve read this post about the automation via rdp for unattended robot with CE

I’ve not clear if i can run, for testing purpose only, an unattended bot with no user logged in rdp.
Now my situation is:
1)if i run robot through RDP i have no problem
2)if i run robot with RDP minimized i have no problem
3)if i run robot with RDP closed bot don’t find any UI element (timeout reached)
Is possible to fix that with the CE?

Hi @andreus91,

I faced simillar issues, my bot is not able to click certain tab when RDP is closed, It runs when i am running via studio, Orchestrator with RDP session open and even when RDP Is Minimized. But it fails with Ui error - Timeout for a particular tab. So, Instead of Click activity we used Send Hot Key which resolves the issue.

Kindly change from UI Click to Send Hot Key if possible it will resolve the issue.

Warm Regards,
Ranjith Udayakumar

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Thanks for the reply,
obv you used send hot key without selector, otherwise you face the same error, no?
There aren’t any other possibilities, you know if depending only for the license?

Hi @andreus91,

The bot was able to do for almost 90% (Which includes UI Clicks and other kinds of stuff) but it could not for that particular tab alone, So only i changed Click to Send Hot Key for that particular tab.

I am not sure about the licensing aspect of it.

Warm Regards,
Ranjith Udayakumar

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In my case, if i’m not logged in on RDP, all UI element failed with timeout reached.

And i think is a problem of license, but i’m not sure if is that or something about configuration (rdp, orchestrator, ecc…)

Did you solve this problem?

I am having the same issue.

HI @jrp

Check out this thread

Unattended but working only when the screen is open - Help / Orchestrator - UiPath Community Forum


@andreus91 What is the robot license that you were using? You must have unattended robot license to run the process even you sign out from the RDP

I installed UiPath in unattended mode. However, now bot is not able to communicate with chrome web extension. I tried installing chrome web extension per system as well as per user.

Any idea why is it not working?

@jrp Login to your orchestartor. Go to tenant tab appears in the left side and you can see the list that coming up in the dashboard and go towards right, there you can license. click on it and check how many production or unattended license you have. Below is the sample one from orchestrator free trail

Hi Usha,

I already verified that and I have 1 production license available that is connected to Orchestrator.

If I install the UiPath robot in User mode it works with chrome web extension however if I install in service mode, it is not able to communicate with chrome web extension.
I have installed chrome extension from command prompts and ChromeNativeMessaging service does start when I open chrome.

@jrp Did you check with what resolution the bot was trying to identify the element. Is it the same one while you are developing the process

Yes the resolution is same.

Now my only problem is that my unattended bot is not able to communicate with chrome web extension.

Reinstall the extension again and try again @jrp

After re installing restart chrome and also if possible restart your VM once


@jrp Try re-starting the robot service in the server where you are trying to automate

Search for local services and it opens the below window

Look for UiPath robot and right click on it, select stop and then start
