Bot from Community Edition to Enterprise Edition

If I develop in Community with my personal account and I have to put it to work in a client’s enterprise … what happens?

Hi @Sandy_Rondon

As a general rule,

  1. check the UiPath version that your enterprise currently used or will be deploying in the next release
  2. what packages or dependencies are allowed [whitelisted] and not allowed [blacklisted]
  3. what network protocols or system polices are allowed

Develop in community version and
4. use the same exact packages and dependencies as your enterprise version and
5. be creative and search for workarounds if there are limitations of network protocols or system policies that relates to your use case

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But, i can do this with the same community´s account??

Hi @Sandy_Rondon

You know that there are limitations that you can only do on client’s enterprise:

  1. target application UI
  2. operating system policies
  3. user data

Develop part or pieces of the RPA workflow as much as possible on community version but copy all source RPA bot scripts to enterprise version to complete the RPA workflow.

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