Bot fails on large screen

Hey Guys
i created a bot for form filling on a website its working fine on my laptop but when iam using extension of screen with big screen then its failing to click elements

what to do

please help me

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Hi @Shoebmd,

If you don’t want to change the resolution settings you can start by turning on the smilute click feature for all the activities you use.


On modern, you don’t have to set it for each activity. You set it in the Use App/Browser and all the activities inherit that setting.

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Hi @postwick,

Thanks for the info, but I didn’t specify as I don’t know what version they are using.


i tried this
its working for main screen of laptop
but when i use extension large screen its failing

Hello @Shoebmd

Could you please share the error your are getting and for which activity you are getting this error?

If it is for type or click activity please share the screenshot of the property as well.