Bot execution stops suddenly


I’m facing an issue with a robot that suddenly stops without any errors.
More specifically, I have an attended robot which needs to constantly wait for a new queue item (its build is using queue items) or to receive a specific email. After a full loop, the execution will be back waiting for one of those.
For this, I’m using a parallel activity with 2 branches, one is waiting for a new queue item, the other one is a Do While which has some logic in it to search for a specific type of email.
The issue is that the build is working very well for a period of time (undefined, I couldn’t find any pattern) and then it suddenly stops without throwing any error. It’s always stopping after it’s receiving a new queue item or a new email that fulfills the criteria, which means that it’s stopping in the parallel activity, because I have some logs put in place that suggest this. I’ve also checked the conditions, they’re all alright. What can it be?
I’ve searched and dug any possible scenario, without any luck.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks a lot!

Hi @Nikk

This seems strange. However, please try the below steps in your code if not already implemented.

  1. Use Parallel Activity with 2 branches
  2. Use workflows inside the parallel activity - one to wait of queue item and one for email.
  3. Both these should run in loop until a new queue item/ an email is found.
  4. Set the condition property of the parallel activity to True. This will ensure to exit the parallel activity if either of the workflow’s execution is completed first.
  5. Below the parallel activity add your logic for processing.

Hope it helps!


Hello Gayathri,

As I have mentioned in the original post, I’m using the Parallel activity with 2 branches already.
Moreover, I’ve used even the Invoke workflow for each branch, without success.
Also, I’ve set the Parallel condition properly.
Basically, I’ve done all of the mentioned steps already when I’ve post the original message.

Any other ideas?
Thanks a million.

Hi @Nikk

Could you please shared the screenshot of your solution from the outline panel, if possible ?

Also, check upgrading the packages if it’s not the latest.